Looking For The Best Collagen Powder?

Collagen protein powder is a very popular supplement. But what is collagen exactly? What is it made of? And most importantly which is the best collagen supplement for you? Let’s dive in to learn more about this hardworking protein that glues our body together.

collagen powderAccording to Yale University, collagen is a family of proteins that make up the primary component of connective tissues, such as skin and cartilage.

Accounting for about one-third of all the protein in the human body, collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and as such it has various crucial roles including providing structure to our skin and acting as a building block for healthy bones, muscles, connective tissues, teeth, and joints.

Collagen is the substance that holds the body together to provide strength and structure. 

Types of Collagen Powder

To date, 28 different types of collagen have been identified [1]. Every one of these has a particular sequence of amino acids that determines the specific role each type of collagen plays in our body.

Collagen types are identified by roman numerals and 80 to 90 percent of the collagen in the body consists of types I, II, and III [2]

Types I and III are the most abundant type of collagen in our bodies. They provide structure to muscles, bones, tendons, and the skin, giving it elasticity and strength. 

Type II is found in the eye and cartilage, which help support joint and connective tissue health. [3].

These three types of collagen plus Types V and X are the most commonly found in supplements. 

With so many available options in the market, let’s take a closer look at some of the best collagen powders you can find online.

1- Multi Collagen Protein

Multi collagen is the combination of different types of collagens mixed into one powder. The main difference between this and the other varieties of collagen powders is that it contains more than one type of collagen in it, aiming to provide the benefits of all types of collagen at once.

As there are different types of collagen such as Type I, Type II, Type III, there are also different sources of collagen. 

Different types and different sources make different collagen supplements.

Cows, fish, and poultry are the most common sources of collagen used for the production of multi collagen protein. If you have any dietary requirements, I would highly recommend checking product labels to find out the exact source of collagen used.

2- Collagen Peptides or Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder

Hydrolyzed collagen, also known as collagen hydrolyzate, is the result of Hydrolyzation. 

This is the breakdown of the full-length collagen protein (a large protein) through a process known as hydrolysis or enzymatic breakdown. Through this process, larger proteins are broken down into smaller components or protein structures known as peptides.

Because they are small, these collagen peptides are easier to digest and absorbed into our bloodstream. The absorption of hydrolyzed collagen is said to be almost three times compared to collagen found in food

3- Marine Collagen 

fish is used for marine collagen

Because collagen is found in the bodies of humans and wildlife, the best sources of dietary collagen for the production of any collagen supplement come from animal proteins like beef (cartilage, bones, tendons, and hides), poultry (also found in the eggshell membrane), pork and fish.

Marine collagen refers to the collagen peptides made from fish skin, scales, and sometimes bones. 

When choosing marine collagen, there are a few things to consider. 

In terms of quality and bioavailability, that is,  the ability of a substance to be absorbed and used within the body, marine collagen is said to be better than any other. 

In comparison to bovine collagen, marine collagen is said to be absorbed more efficiently, due to its smaller molecules, and not only will it help with keeping your joints healthy but it will also help with skin-related issues, general bone health, and anti-aging. It will also help support your gut health.

I strongly recommend paying attention to the actual source and type of fish used to make the supplement. You want to make sure it is not made from farmed creatures but wild-caught fish, free of hormones and antibiotics. Read the labels!

Although this type of powder supplement is ideal for those who don’t eat meat, those allergic to fish or shellfish should avoid it.

4- Organic Collagen Powder

Animals are the most common source of collagen peptides. The best collagen supplements are those made from humanely raised, pasture-fed, wild, and organic diet. 

It is common knowledge that grass-fed bovine tend to live healthier lives than grain-fed who may be consuming genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their food and as a result, the products we consume from these animals are considered healthier too.

So organic collagen powders are supplements that have been made with organic components. Other elements to consider are that the animal sources be free of pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, and synthetic hormones. 

This way, the collagen peptides derived from them will be clean and safe to consume.

If you are interested in an organic or ‘clean’ collagen option make sure to check the manufacturer’s sourcing policies and read labels to find keywords such as organic, fed pasture-raised cows, wild-caught and non-GMO, gluten-free and free of dairy, fillers, sweeteners, and additives.

5- Best Collagen for Women

woman with good skinCollagen is like the glue that holds our body together. It is responsible for keeping our skin plump and wrinkle-free and because it is rich in essential amino acids such as proline and glycine, it also helps maintain and repair our tendons, bones, and joints.

Although our bodies can make collagen by combining amino acids found in protein-rich foods with vitamin c, zinc, and copper, around our mid-20s, we start losing around 1% of our collagen per year, increasing to 30% in the first years of menopause.

Since collagen production slows down with age, it’s never too early to start preventing deterioration.

Studies show that consuming collagen supplements for several months can be very beneficial. They can increase bone density, reduce joint pain and bone loss and help with skin hydration and plasticity, brittle nails, and strong hair [4]

Collagen is also thought to help improve our immune system.

Here are some things to consider when choosing the best collagen powders in the online right now:

  • Choose a product that’s backed by science. Look for products that have been researched and are safe.
  • Opt for a brand that is transparent about its processes and sourcing. When possible choose organic, pasture-fed, wild-caught, and sustainable products. Look for clean, hormone and antibiotic-free sources.
  • Ensure the product has a pure constitution. An easy way to determine this is by checking the number of ingredients. As a general rule, the less amount of ingredients, the better the quality of the product.
    • Be aware of flavored versions. Artificial colors and flavors can destroy some of the beneficial properties of the supplement.
  • Check the dosage. Only 7.5 grams of collagen can be absorbed and used by the human body at any one given time, anything over that will be a waste. 

The Three Most Popular Collagen Powder Supplements of 2021

Now that we’ve covered what collagen is and what to look for when choosing the best collagen supplement for us, let’s consider some of the most popular brands available on the market.

1- BioOptimal Collagen Powder

Bio Optimal CollagenBioOptimal offers a pure, double hydrolyzed powder from a grass-fed and pasture-raised bovine with zero additives or artificial ingredients that dissolves easily in hot or cold liquids with little to no aftertaste. 

These are BioOptimal’s key features:

  • Grass-fed and pasture-raised collagen sources
  • 100% natural and non-GMO
  • Hormone and antibiotic-free
  • No additives and unflavored
  • Potent source of amino acids
  • Type i and iii bovine hide collagen
  • Nature’s premier anti-aging supplement
  • Protein for muscle growth and recovery
  • Easily dissolves in cold and hot liquids
  • Little to no aftertaste – perfect addition to smoothies, soups,  coffee, or tea
  • Benefits healthy skin, muscles, joints, digestive health, and more
  • Made in the USA.
  • Keto and Paleo-friendly –  it contains no carbs or sugars, and it is gluten and dairy-free.
  • 90-day money-back guarantee 
  • Comes in two sizes – 30 or 45 day supply  (1 daily serving )

What customers are saying:

  • Assists with wound healing and joint health
  • Stronger hair and nails
  • No aftertaste or smell
  • Dissolves very easily – no clumps
  • Great for skin moisture and elasticity
  • Good price
  • Might cause itching and skin reaction

If you are interested in trying BIoOptimal Collagen Supplement these are some of the places where you’ll be able to purchase:

  • Amazon
  • Walmart
  • eBay
  • BioOptimal Supplements

For those who’d rather take collagen in a pill instead of in the powder form, BioOptimal also offers hydrolyzed collagen capsules.

2- Vital Proteins Collagen Powder

vital proteinsVital Proteins offer a wide range of collagen products such as Collagen Peptides, Marine Collagen, Matcha Collagen, Beauty Collagen, and Collagen Creamers.

Collagen Peptides

Sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine, bioavailable, and soluble in hot or cold liquids. With 20g of collagen per serving, this protein powder is also paleo-friendly, gluten and dairy-free.

There are two types: 

  1. Original Collagen Peptides with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C
  2. Original Collagen Peptides – available in capsules too.

What customers are saying:

  • Dissolves easily 
  • Helps with joint pain and muscle recovery
  • Great for stronger nails
  • Tasteless
  • Excellent for overall skin health
  • Might cause stomach discomfort
  • A fantastic source of protein

Marine Collagen

This highly bioavailable and digestible peptides powder is made from the scales of fresh, non-GMO, wild-caught white Alaskan fish. It easily dissolves in hot and cold water.  Great for healthy joints, bones, skin, and nail support.

What customers are saying:

  • Great for thin and brittle nails 
  • Healthy strong hair
  • Better skin elasticity
  • Tasteless
  • Helps with joint health and post-workout recovery

Matcha Collagen

This collagen is sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine and Japanese green tea. With 10g of collagen per serving, this supplement helps improve skin elasticity, nails, joints and ligaments, and tendons.

What customers are saying:

  • Helps with skin health and joint pain
  • Expensive
  • Culinary-grade matcha instead of high-grade
  • Harsh aftertaste
  • Bitter
  • Easy to dissolve in water or smoothie
  • Great morning coffee replacement

Beauty Collagen

Made from a combination of grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine hide collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, organic lemon, blueberries, beets, and lavender. With no added sugars, sweeteners, fillers, or additives, this beauty supplement helps to enhance skin hydration and plasticity. Three flavors: Tropical Hibiscus, Strawberry Lemon, and Lavender Lemon.

What customers are saying:

  • Great for hair and nails growth
  • Pricey for the amount of product in the container
  • Fantastic for glowy skin 
  • Hard to dissolve
  • Helps with skin elasticity and wrinkles

Collagen Creamers

This is a dairy-free product that offers 10 grams of collagen per serving and MCT from coconut milk powder. Vanilla Flavor. Benefits include healthy skin, strong nails, and joints.

What customers are saying:

  • Hard to dissolve
  • Great ‘on the go’ packaging option
  • Pricey
  • Bad smell

These are some of the suppliers for Vital Protein Collagen Supplements:

  • Vital Proteins
  • Amazon
  • Costco
  • GNC
  • Target
  • The Vitamin Shoppe

3- Neocell Super Collagen Powder

Neocell super collagenNeocell offers various collagen supplements but Neocell Super Collagen Powder is one of their bestsellers.

With 10 grams of hydrolyzed types 1 and 3 collagen peptides per serving and 20 or 40 servings per container, this supplement supports healthy collagen formation for glowy skin and strong hair and nails. It is also non-GMO, gluten, soy, wheat, and lactose-free and has no artificial flavors. Comes in french vanilla, berry lemon, or unflavored.

What customers are saying:

  • Great for hair growth
  • Tasteless
  • Dissolves quickly
  • Loved by women
  • Great flavor
  • Reasonably priced

These are some of the outlets that sell NeoCell Super Collagen Powder:

  • Amazon
  • Neocell
  • CVS
  • Walgreens
  • Walmart

Best Collagen Powder for Weight Loss

collagen for weight lossCollagen can help not only support healthy muscles, connective tissues, joints, and skin texture but also help with weight loss and body fat reduction.

It has been studied that consuming gelatin, which is the cooked form of collagen, can increase PYY, one of the body’s hormones that target appetite control. 

The theory behind collagen peptides found in supplements are basically the same: consuming a low-calorie protein increases the levels of the hunger-fighting hormone that reduces hunger and supports weight reduction.

Because high-protein content meals make us feel satiated, and collagen supplements are low in calories and high in protein, they offer a good option for losing weight reduction.

What Is The Best Collagen Powder For Sagging Skin

collagen for skinAs we mentioned before, collagen is the most abundant protein found in the human body, making 80 % of our skin’s structure. Unfortunately, in our mid-20s, our collagen levels start decreasing, causing wrinkles and sagging skin.

When our skin gets significantly stretched for a prolonged period of time, collagen and elastin fibers become damaged and lose their ability to retract. 

Daily consumption of collagen supplements that contain type 1 peptides is shown to boost collagen levels and therefore improve the dermis, that layer of or skin made of fibrous and elastic tissue that provides strength and flexibility to the skin. 

Replenishing our body’s collagen via collagen powders promotes the health of our natural collagen levels helping with wrinkles and sagging skin.

Best Collagen Powder for Hair

collagen for hairOur hair is made by a type of protein called Keratin. Our body needs amino acids to produce Keratin and because collagen supplements are rich in them they are believed to help with hair growth.

Hair can be easily damaged by free radicals, resulting in split ends, frizz, tangling, loss of color and luster. Although research is limited, collagen may help fight these free radicals and prevent damage by acting as an antioxidant

Our bodies produce collagen naturally but once our collagen levels start to decrease we can get it from supplements and foods. Bone broth and animal meats are a great source of collagen. 

Because collagen supplements can help reduce the damage from free radicals whilst providing our bodies with the nutrients to build strong hair, supplementing our diet with collagen is probably beneficial. 

Best Collagen For Joints

collagen for jointsCollagen production starts decreasing in our mid-20s and collagen helps maintain the overall health of our cartilages (that rubber-like tissue that covers the ends of bones and creates a cushion at the joint surface.)

If the cartilage begins to degenerate the joint loses that cushion-like cover and becomes exposed, creating friction between the bone ends creating stress and pain in these areas.

Type II collagen is the main collagen of cartilage. Supplements with this type of collagen have been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis and therefore reduce inflammation in the body and promote joint pain relief. 

A 24-week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain suggests that consuming collagen hydrolysate can reduce joint pain.

Best Collagen Powder For Cellulite

collagen for cellulite85% of women over 20 are affected by cellulite. It is a skin dimpling similar to orange peel or cottage cheese that occurs on the thighs, abdomen, and cheeks. Several factors contribute to its origin, including genetic predispositions, gender, age, diet, lifestyle, ethnicity, and pregnancy.

Treatments aiming to restore the normal structure of the dermis and superficial fascia can have a positive impact in improving the cellulite condition.

Based on studies that have demonstrated the effectiveness of collagen peptides on improving skin plasticity, it can be speculated that collagen supplementation of high-quality peptides may also have a positive impact on cellulite affected skin.

Does It Really Work?

The word collagen comes from the Greek word ‘kólla’ which means glue. It is considered to be the scaffolding that holds our bodies together and it is present in our bones, muscles, ligaments, and skin.

As we age, our production and quality of collagen decrease, resulting in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and sometimes joint pain.

It is believed that supplementation has an overall positive effect on our bodies.

But although collagen supplements are linked to several health benefits, and some of these have been researched and can be backed by science, it is important to note that many are still based on inconclusive studies. 

Some of the claimed health benefits derived from studies include:

  • Better skin
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Bone strength
  • Digestive or gut wellbeing
  • Heart health
  • Muscle mass
  • Mental health

Can Collagen Powder Have Any Side Effects?

Although studies show that collagen supplements are safe to consume, there have been some recorded side effects such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fullness 
  • Heartburn
  • Bad taste in the mouth 
  • Rashes

It needs to be noted that if a person has a history of kidney stones, it is recommended to start adding no more than 1 tablespoon (5-6 grams) of collagen daily and drink plenty of water.

Another thing to consider is that collagen can increase calcium levels and lead to hypercalcemia which can cause constipation, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and bone pain.

This side effect usually occurs when supplements contain products from high-calcium marine sources such as shellfish. An alternative collagen source is recommended for those with these side-effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is collagen made of?

Collagen is a protein made of amino acids such as Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline, and Arginine. Collagen in supplements, also known as hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptides,  mostly derived from bovine hides and connective tissues of fish in the case of marine collagen.

What is the best collagen to buy?

Choosing what is the best collagen to buy depends on whether you are looking to better your joints, skin, hair, or nail health.

Not only there are different types of collagen that target specific areas, but different sources. As a general rule, the best collagen to buy is one sourced from animals that have been humanely raised, fed on a pasture-fed, wild, and organic diet. Because Vitamin C increases collagen absorption, choosing a supplement with added Vitamin C could be beneficial.

What is the best form of collagen to take?

The best form of collagen to take is the one that targets those areas in your body you want to boost. Type I collagen is the most abundant in our skin and bones so it is recommended for overall skin wellness. Type II collagen is mainly found in cartilage and is recommended for those wanting to better their joints and reduce joint pain.

Multi collagen supplements offer a combination of different types of collagens mixed into one powder. They aim to provide the benefits of all varieties of collagen at once.

Does collagen powder come in different flavors?

Collagen powder comes in a variety of flavors and also unflavored. Although there are many types of collagen flavors, the most popular option is the unflavored one because it can be easily added to any liquid such as smoothies, soups, coffee, tea, juice, or water without altering the taste. Other flavor options include chocolate, berry, and vanilla but there are plenty more flavors to choose from.

What is grass-fed collagen powder?

Grass-fed collagen powder refers to the collagen peptides derived from bovine that has been fed on a pasture-based diet. When choosing a supplement it is recommended to choose those from grass-fed creatures which tend to live healthier lives than those fed on grains that could be genetically modified.

What is the best collagen powder for joints?

The best collagen powder for joints contains type II collagen peptides. This type of collagen has been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis, reduce inflammation in the body and promote joint pain relief. When choosing a supplement make sure it comes from clean sources, non-GMO, gluten-free, and free of fillers, sweeteners, and additives.

What is the best collagen powder for skin?

The best collagen for skin is found in collagen supplements containing Type I and III hydrolyzed peptides or in a multi collagen option. The supplements are shown to boost our collagen levels and because our skin structure is made out of 80 % collagen, replenishing our body with peptides helps with overall skin health.

There are many supplement options to choose from. The best collagen supplements for your skin depends on the quality of the source of collagen, and your personal preference in terms of flavor and price.

What is the best way to drink collagen powder?

The best way to drink collagen powder is to dissolve it in liquid. The best ones dissolve easily without clumping in with cold or hot liquids. Most people mix their powders into their morning coffee or smoothie. For those who prefer to take their supplements in the form of a pill, some brands offer peptides in capsule form.

Is collagen powder better than collagen pills?

Collagen pills are capsules filled with collagen powder so it really comes down to personal preference. Capsules are usually made of a plant-based protein called cellulose that disintegrates once it reaches our stomach and the collagen is then broken down and absorbed into our bloodstream. 

On the other hand, because collagen powder is tasteless and dissolves in liquid it can be added to any beverage or food making it a very versatile ingredient.

What is collagen type 2 powder?

Collagen type 2 powder is a supplement that contains type 2 collagen peptides which are the main component of cartilage in our body. This type of collagen provides  our cartilage strong flexibility and elasticity, enabling it to support our joints.

This type of hydrolyzed collagen powder is produced from animal cartilage, usually bovine and poultry.

How much collagen is too much?

The amount of collagen you should take depends on the supplement you are taking (each brand has a suggested serving size) and the reason why you are taking it. Although most collagen supplements appear to be safe for the general population, some people may experience side effects.

When trying to determine how much collagen to consume a good idea is to calculate what your daily protein intake should be. As a general rule, we should consume as many grams of protein as our weight in pounds so keep this in mind when calculating your overall daily protein intake.

Where does collagen powder come from?

It comes from collagen found in the bones, skin, and connective tissue of animals that has been purified, dried and finely grinded. The most common sources of collagen peptides are cows, fish and poultry. It is important to learn the source of origin in order to choose a supplement derived from grass-fed bovine or caught in the wild marine sources, non GMO and free of additives and fillers.

What are the top rated collagen powder supplements?

The top rated collagen powder supplements are those made with quality ingredients, such as grass fed bovine collagen and all-clean and organic components.

The best collagen supplements are rated based on excellent customer feedback based on, effect, flavor, solubility, side effects, and price.

Where can I buy collagen powder?

Collagen powder can be bought from specific supplement manufacturers, Amazon, Ebay, Cotsco, CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, BioOptimal Supplements, Target and GNC amongst other retailers. You can also buy it online.

Is chicken collagen powder good?

Chicken collagen powder can be good for you if you suffer from joint health related problems. Collagen from these animals contains chondroitin and glucosamine, two compounds known for helping rebuild cartilage and therefore reduce inflammation and pain.

What is collagen chocolate protein powder?

Collagen chocolate protein powder is a chocolate flavored collagen supplement that can be added to smoothies, coffee, and can also be used for baking brownies, making energy balls or soaking oats. Chocolate is known to be a natural mood enhancer making this flavor one of the favorite ones.

What is Clinical Effects multi collagen powder?

Clinical Effects multi collagen powder is a gluten-free,  unflavored hydrolyzed collagen peptides supplement. It assists with the wellbeing of your hair, skin, nails and gut with five types of collagen extracted from four different ethically-sourced, non GMO, pasture-raised, and cruelty free sources.

Is collagen powder good for hair?

Taking a collagen supplement on a regular basis may support the growth of strong and healthy hair.  Collagen may help fight free radicals that harm our hair  and prevent damage by acting as an antioxidant.

What is bovine collagen powder?

Bovine collagen powder refers to the hydrolyzed collagen peptides derived from cows. Collagen occurs naturally in the connective tissue, bones, cartilage, and hides of cows. 

The most common source of bovine collagen for the production of supplements comes from cowhides.

What is the best tasting collagen powder?

There are many flavors to choose from although the unflavored option is very popular since it can be added to any beverage or food without altering the taste.

Does collagen powder help with aging or sun-damaged skin?

It is believed to help  with aging or sun-damaged skin. Because collagen composes 80% of our skin’s structure, boosting our levels of collagen, especially after our mid-20s when our collagen production and absorption rate starts diminishing is recommended. Regular consumption of hydrolyzed Type I  peptides is shown to improve the condition of the dermis. 

Can I add collagen powder to shakes and smoothies?

Yes. Hydrolyzed collagen dissolves very easily in either cold or hot liquids, making it a very versatile addition to our daily care routine.